With an unlimited amount of money to be spent in Washington, the unabashed political opportunist can acquire fantastic wealth at the expense of our country and the American people.

Easy Dirty Money in Government Creates Tesla Type Corruption

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Easy Money in Government Creates Hunter Biden Type CorruptionEasy money in government – that’s what creates a world in which Hunter Biden can be paid $50,000 a month for providing no marketable services to a Ukraine natural gas company.

And that policy of endless money – produced on the Federal Reserve printing press and which has enriched both the Clintons and the Obamas – can be directly traced to the United States going off the gold standard in 1971.

The government has always picked winners and losers

Prior to that year and the Great Society programs of the 1960s, government operations were in some way tethered obliquely to reality. For example, Abraham Lincoln approved a temporary income tax in 1861 to fund the North fighting the Civil War. United States Liberty bonds were sold to send our boys “Over There,” to Europe to fight in the last days of World War I. And even the wildly out of whack New Deal of Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt created work programs to get Americans off the dole, before World War II brought the United States back to full employment also funded by federal debt.

The government has always picked winners and losers since the founding of the Republic and even before that during he Colonial period. Some governmental body had to choose who would send the first steam ships up the Hudson River to Albany, or lay the first train tracks across Long Island so that New Yorkers could then easily take a boat to Boston. That was New York State. But that was real work, with a real need, with real paying jobs, with real societal benefit.

Of course, there was and will always be nepotism, where some slob politician will give his slob brother or slob cousin an easy job in the finance office or parks department. That’s the usual low level corruption, which is a fact of life in nearly every business endeavor: it pays to know somebody, preferably the president of the company or the mayor of the your city or town.

The “impeachment inquiry,” which is really a political campaign disguised as a coup

The “impeachment inquiry,” which is really a political campaign disguised as a coup, reveals the dirty little secret hiding in plain sight: there is a ton of money to be made in government. And all you need is the chutzpah, the gall, to go for it, as the Clintons, the Obamas, and the Bidens have done.

Prior to these three families, no politician would ever commit legalized corruption of such magnitude to aggrandize themselves on such a magnificent international platform. It is worth noting that many successful politicians, the Roosevelts, Teddy and FDR, both, or John F. Kennedy did not need the money having already had it prior to seeking office. But until 1971, nobody, not anybody, no regular person when they achieved high office got rich being a politician. They may have benefited by getting elected by a machine, and there was graft and patronage, but nobody became a multi-millionaire. The standard of good conduct was set by Democrat Harry S. Truman, who specifically stated that anybody who left office rich was a crook. So sincere was Truman in this view that he had to return to Congress when Eisenhower was president and beg for a pension, which a grateful country gladly gave the haberdasher of Independence, Missouri, and military veteran.

But that all ended with the Clintons, who immediately following Bill’s presidency began efforts to aggrandize themselves by starting the Clinton Global Foundation to sell influence to grateful buyers from around the world. Having left office broke, Bill and Hillary began to cash in, making speeches, writing books, and selling their access to the Deep State to foreign potentates. No president or senator would have ever thought of doing this on a massive scale before them, because frankly there was no real money in it, and politicians knew they had to return to their towns and hamlets and shop at the grocery store and see people who knew them and would be ashamed to think that they had done such a crappy thing to the country that everybody loved. So it didn’t happen. In fact, President Clinton was the last president to balance the federal budget, so even he didn’t abuse the federal purse for personal gain.


Without any sort of fiscal restraint such as a gold standard, or term limits for congresspeople, or a balanced-budget amendment

But that changed with the Obamas, Barack and Michelle. President Obama determined how to leverage his fame as the first non-white president of the United States and by trying to transform the nature of the United States as it had been known for almost 250 years. In 2007, the Obamas had a net worth of $1 million, but now are reportedly worth $135 million.

Included in his attempt in transformation was the neat little way in which President Obama passed the “Stimulus” legislation that opened up the federal spending spigot. Next he approved money for “Green Energy” projects that involved government grants to shadowy companies, which in turn would give campaign contributions to Obama and Obama-backed candidates who would win elections and give out more money to these companies, many that went broke, in a completely legal cycle of money-laundering. After leaving office, the Obamas won a $60 million deal from Netflix to produce “content” of some kind despite having no experience in this area. According to Wikipedia, they received a $65 million book deal from Random House, which is owned by Pearson Publishing, which would benefit from the Common Core education initiative promulgated during the Obama presidency. The result of all this is that the Obamas own a multi-million-dollar home on the water in Martha’s Vineyard, despite railing against Climate Change and income inequality. They are not alone; the endless pipeline of government money funds public colleges and public sector unions that willingly pay for government speakers and advisers to capture more money.

What is happening now is that the nation’s debt to GDP ratio is exploding to unsustainable levels and is reaching a threshold that in other countries indicates a failed state, such as in Greece or Italy with tremendous political instability. Without any sort of fiscal restraint such as a gold standard, or term limits for congresspeople, or a balanced-budget amendment, there literally is an unlimited amount of money that can be spent on anything and which includes Hunter Biden leveraging his last name and the fact that he was the son of the vice president of the United States to do “deals” in Ukraine and China.

There is a ton of money to throw around in Ukraine and elsewhere which eventually hit Hunter Biden’s check book

That in itself is not a crime, but according to Wikipedia, even Obama administration officials expressed concern about these activities while Joe Biden was vice president and the leading Obama administration point person on Ukraine. These are matters that Joe Biden certainly will have to explain should he win the Democratic Party presidential nomination in 2020. How did this all happen under Joe

Biden’s watch? Because of the huge foreign aid to Ukraine that is made possible by a federal government that does not have to worry about money connected to some thing of worth such as gold. There is a ton of money to throw around in Ukraine and elsewhere which eventually hit Hunter Biden’s check book.

In October 2019, Hunter Biden resigned from the board of directors of a partnership that had received at least $4 million from the Chinese Communist government, although other sources have estimated a much higher amount. What is especially clear, though, none of Hunter Biden’s activities would have been exposed to such a broad audience had not President Trump rightly questioned these activities to the Ukraine president in September 2019, and also to China.

Without limits on the money supply nor a federal government with limits to its authority, you have a toxic opening for unprecedented wealth that never would have existed in prior American generations. It couldn’t exist due to a gold standard for money or you had individuals who had some sort of the fear of being shamed for doing such a heinous thing to their country. But now the Clintons and the Obamas are set, insulated among the super rich, and only time will tell if the Bidens will get theirs as well. One thing is clear though, with an unlimited amount of money to be spent in Washington, the unabashed political opportunist can acquire fantastic wealth at the expense of our country and the American people.